The City of Millersville, Tennessee
The City of Millersville is focused on creating a prosperous future while preserving our history.
Solid Waste Program
The Millersville Solid Waste Program was started January 2004, with the goal of providing affordable collection of weekly household trash to every home in Millersville.
The program was so successful in its first year that it won the Greater Nashville Regional Council’s “Award of Excellence.” We offer citywide service at a per household cost well below the average charge of the more than a dozen private haulers that once crisscrossed the city. To ensure that the program continues to operate efficiently please follow the program policies and procedures as well as adhering to the limitations.
In September of 2013, the City of Millersville partnered with Waste Industries for our collection of garbage from the trash receptacles. Please keep in mind that Waste Industries only empties what is inside of the receptacle. Bulk items are still picked up by the City. Please review the attached information about bulk item pick up (items not placed in the container). To keep fees low, we must enforce the policies that limit materials that are picked up.
If you have any questions, please call city hall at 859-0880.